When we come out of this crisis, where will we be?

The chances are, when all this blows over, that we’re heading for recession.
Marketing strategy for coming out of this crisis

This week has been interesting – with all of us juggling working from home with looking after the kids, sorting out VPN’s and fighting with Wi-Fi that’s struggling to cope with demand.

Trying to work out how government support will help pull us all through, or not.

We’re all dealing with the here and now, which is understandable.

But once you’ve got used to working from home, when your short-term plan is sorted, what then?

The chances are, when all this blows over, that we’re heading for recession.

And when recession hits, #marketing is one of the first places businesses are tempted to cut.

Don’t make that mistake.

Slashing marketing budgets in a downturn will only defend profits in the very short term. But the brand will emerge (or not) from the downturn weaker and much less profitable.

Building a brand that consumers recognise and trust is one of the best ways to reduce risk when the economy takes a turn for the worse.

In the coming weeks, many business owners will have time to really think about their business, time to develop a focused marketing plan, finally sort that website, get their brand nailed.

When we emerge from this, and we will…

Will you have set your business up for success?