In a storm, look to the horizon

Lots of businesses are trying to navigate their way through stormy seas right now.
In a storm looking to the horizon

So lots of businesses are trying to navigate their way through stormy seas right now.

And fog.

And icebergs.

Many no doubt, will be sunk for good before this is over.

Understandably, they’re looking for every way possible to cut costs in a bid to stay afloat for long enough to come through on the other side.

Throwing unnecessary ballast overboard.

Spending money on marketing can seem a luxury they can’t afford.

But when the storm passes, those businesses that have survived but haven’t maintained any presence or visibility in the market will find themselves in unchartered waters.

The ones that eventually succeed, will have done their best to stay on course. They’ll have held their nerve, and continued to push on towards the horizon.

Yes, sales are depressed right now. And maybe for some time.

But throwing your marketing efforts into the briny could leave you rudderless and adrift by the time you reach calmer seas.

In 2009, the Harvard Business Review said,

“Companies that take a scalpel rather than a cleaver to the marketing budget, and adjust strategies in response to customer needs, are more likely to flourish both during and after a recession”

By all means batten down the hatches. But think carefully before you drop your sails.