It’s never been more important to stay safe

In unpredictable times, we crave consistency.
Its never been more important to stay safe.

We’re in crisis.

Most of us have a lot of stuff on our minds right now.

We’re worried about the health of our elderly relatives, about our children’s education, about how we’re going to pay the bills.

We’re dealing with an ever-changing situation, processing information and working out what that means to us. How it will affect our lives today, tomorrow, a year from now.

It’s confusing.

When we’re confused, we struggle to make sound, logical decisions. We panic-buy toilet roll (please stop doing this, it’s complete madness).

In unpredictable times, we crave consistency. Things we can rely on.

It’s why your brand needs to remain consistent. Now, more than ever.

Your customers have bought into your brand for a reason. Act in a way that’s consistent with the values they’ve bought into.

Don’t use the pandemic as a cheap marketing ploy.

Unless you can be genuinely helpful, tread very lightly with the content you put out. If you get it wrong, your brand could suffer irreparable damage. If you don’t have anything to contribute, stay quiet, or you’re just adding to the confusion.

If necessary, put your brand into self-isolation.

Work on your marketing plan, work on your website. Be strategic and plan for the long term.

And stay safe.

#marketing #coronavirus