Why is so much advertising so desperately boring?

Too many marketing people are scared of taking risks.
Cat yawning. Why is so much advertising so desperately boring?

Too many marketing people are scared of taking risks.

Some really creative marketing ideas are rejected because we worry about being too different.

Advertising agencies often find themselves in a position when they feel compelled to offer clients a ‘safe’ creative option.

But what’s the point in that?

We have to push the boundaries.

We live in a world where consumers (and that includes business decision makers) are exposed to countless marketing messages every day of their lives.

A tsunami of TV ads, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Print ads, Content…

Of the (let’s say) 5,000 marketing messages you saw yesterday, how many do you remember?

Seriously – how many?


Fewer than that?

We screen most of it out. We have to. We need our brains for other stuff.

Unless our marketing delivers something different, interesting, creative or provocative, there’s a HUGE risk that our efforts will go unnoticed.

“You can’t sell a man who isn’t listening”. Bill Bernbach. Look him up.

Rather than worry about causing offence, shouldn’t we be more worried about failing to get any reaction whatsoever?

Isn’t playing it safe a bit pointless?